Sunday, November 8, 2009

Finally An Update!

First off I'm sorry to everyone that i have not updated our blog in a really long time. I come with plenty of pictures and good news though so hang tight.

Ok last time I was on here Carlos had just gotten his surgery. The doctors have been very pleased with the progress of his stomach. They started on feeds again this past Monday and he has been taking to them very well, they started at 1cc every 3 hours and are now up to 2cc. The bleeding on his brain has stabilized there were no changes last time he had a scan, so in the next couple days he will have another one to see how everything is up there. He is completely off all support medications, and has turned down his sedatives alot, to try and wake him up and get him a little more active. Now last night when i went in to my surprise our little man was off the JET ventilator, something we didn't think would ever happen, so next step is off a ventilator completely like his brother but Carlos being Carlos is probably gonna make us wait for a little while. The little man finally hit the 2 pound mark, and i even think he was smiling the other night. We have come to learn with Carlos patience is key he really likes to take his time and be babied.


So as you have seen we can now hold our little Victor. The first time Iliana got to do some kangaroo care which is when they put him inside the shirt and let them have skin to skin contact which helps keep the little guy warm, and they both loved it! Since then we have held him, and we cannot wait until our little Carlos decides its time for us to hold him too. They had started feeding him the same time as Carlos and he was doing good but they had to stop because his stomach started to get a little big and he was not pooping, that caused a little worry but a couple days after he finally started to pass everything through so we think they are gonna try again with the feeds on Monday. He has been doing great off his ventilator and is off all sedation meds. His last head scan came back with no changes so he has another next week to see how things are going. Even though he has not been getting his feeds he is on IVs getting everything he needs and the little guy is now around 2 pounds 5oz!


  1. congratulations from the gaynor family. the boys seem to be doing so good! they sure are little fighters! we send our love and prayers for the boys to go home soon!

  2. We're so proud of our lil men.....We Love You very much......
    Grandma & Grandpa

  3. hello my grandsons
    we love you so much and grandma will see you guys
    love grandpa & grandma
    boo give them a hug & kisses from us
    and junny & alina too!!

  4. Boo & Iliana.... I just got home from work & I saw ur blog. We are so excited the boys are improving!! They are so adorable!! Hang in there & we will keep you all in our daily prayers.
    LOVE Margo & family

  5. Prayer,prayer,prayer that is the key to every
    miracle. With the boys thats what happened.
    A miracle!! Don't worry they will be home and
    running around with their sister and big brother.
    God is so good and so is his son sweet Jesus.
    My prayers will always be with you guys and your
    sweet family. Praise be to God!
    I love you guys very,very much.
    "MUCHOS BESOS" titi lourdes
