Carlos: Last time I wrote I said that they are taking Carlos off his ventilator, instead of going straight to a high-flow oxygen set up they put him on CPAP which is basically a mask that forces more air into his lungs and helps him get the hang of breathing. Well he did so good on that a couple days later they put him on a regular high-flow oxygen so now we can finally get a good look at his little face! More importantly Iliana finally got to hold the little guy. They were getting a little worried about his feedings because this poop was a little watery but it has gotten better. They are feeding him around the clock now though instead of the 12cc he was getting he is getting a continuos feed so like 2 or 3cc every hour instead of they whole thing every 3 hours. He had an eye exam and so far everything is looking normal. This boy right here is already extremly spoiled, and he definetly knows how to throw a fit!
Victor: Not much has changed with him. They still have him off his feeds but he is still getting everything he needs through IVs, and they are working great because he now weights 2 pounds 12 ounces! They are hoping to start feeding him again next week but they want to get him high-flow settings down a little bit more. They also checked his eyes and everything is looking good with him so far. We cannot get over the fact that he is gaining so much weight they say that a little bit of that might be because he is swollen but he is still doing really good!